Knowing Our Thoughts: Luke 9:46-48

Focus Passage: Luke 9:46-48 (NIV)

46 An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest. 47 Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him. 48 Then he said to them, “Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”

Read Luke 9:46-48 in context and/or in other translations on!

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, three of the four gospel’s writers record at least one time where the disciples began an argument about who would be the greatest among them. During one of these arguments, Luke’s gospel shares an interesting phrase that is incredibly profound when we stop to think about it.

Luke describes this event by saying: “An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest. Jesus, knowing their thoughts, took a little child and had him stand beside him.” (v. 46-47)

While I don’t know how Luke knew to include a phrase that he included, but he tells all of us that Jesus framed His response to the disciples because He knew their thoughts. This is significant in my mind because not only could Jesus specifically see into the minds of those closest to Him, He also chose to interact with those who He knew their deepest, darkest secrets. Nothing about the disciples’ lives was hidden from Jesus.

I’m not sure if Luke includes this detail because this was a onetime occurrence in Jesus’ ministry, or if this was Luke’s subtle way of suggesting that Jesus continually had this divine revelation into people’s minds, but when we look at other events in the gospels, I don’t think Jesus was ever truly surprised by something that happened. Even Judas Iscariot’s betrayal was not a surprise to Jesus.

Jesus knew the disciples better than they knew themselves, and Jesus chose to interact and associate with them. In a similar way, Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves – and He chooses to love us, forgive us, and give us the gift of salvation. Jesus knows our deepest, darkest secrets and He still chooses to love us. Nothing in our past or future is a surprise to Him, and because He still chooses to love us when He knows our worst, we can trust that He has the best future imaginable waiting for us when we accept Him into our hearts.

This thought was inspired by studying the Walking With Jesus “Reflective Bible Study” package. To discover insights like this in your own study time, click here and give Reflective Bible Study a try today!

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Making the Insignificant Significant: Micah 5:2-4

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As we move forward in our year looking at Old Testament prophecies that point forward to Jesus, we come to one that draws our attention onto the place where Jesus would be born. In a fascinating way, from one of the least assuming prophets in the Old Testament, we find a prophecy about the Messiah coming from one of the least significant locations in all of Israel and Judah.

This prophecy is found in the book of Micah, in chapter 5, and we will read it using the New American Standard Bible translation. Starting in verse 2, Micah writes prophetically:

“But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel.
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity.”
Therefore He will give them up until the time
When she who is in labor has borne a child.
Then the remainder of His brethren
Will return to the sons of Israel.
And He will arise and shepherd His flock
In the strength of the Lord,
In the majesty of the name of the Lord His God.
And they will remain,
Because at that time He will be great
To the ends of the earth.

In these few verses, we discover how it seems as though God chose Bethlehem because it was small to be the birthplace for the Messiah. From the way Micah describes the Messiah’s birthplace, I get the picture that God likes to draw focus onto places and people that others could easily overlook.

However, in an even more amazing turn of events, more than just Bethlehem, the place prophesied to be the birth location of the Messiah, turns out to be God drawing attention to the otherwise non-glamorous.

Jumping forward into the New Testament, to the time of Jesus’ birth as recorded in Luke’s gospel, chapter 2, we read a short summary of Jesus’ birth. Staring in verse 4, Luke tells us that:

Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child. While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth.

From the way Luke describes Mary and Joseph, I don’t get the impression that anything about this young couple was special or significant on the surface. While Mary plays a key role in Jesus’ entry into this world, had she not been chosen for this task, I doubt anyone would have even remembered her beyond a generation or two outside of her family tree.

However, because God chose to use this couple when deciding to step into history, Mary and Joseph are forever remembered in the timeline of history. God likes to elevate the otherwise unknown, and place them in His spotlight.

Moving to Jesus’ birth event in Matthew’s gospel, we discover how this prophecy was known by those at the highest levels of the Jewish faith, because as we will read in a minute, the religious leaders in Jerusalem voluntarily provide the information to Herod about where the Messiah would be born.

Reading from Matthew, chapter 2, starting in verse 1, we learn that:

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.” When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet:

‘And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,
Are by no means least among the leaders of Judah;
For out of you shall come forth a Ruler
Who will shepherd My people Israel.’”

In this amazing event, not only do we find travelers from the east, possibly from Babylon or somewhere in that region coming to celebrate the birth of the Messiah, but we also have the religious elite of that generation appearing to be completely unaware that anything significant was happening.

The reason this is significant in my mind is that these religious leaders openly, willingly, and without any hesitation tell Herod the location of the Messiah’s birthplace. If these religious leaders believed the time of the Messiah’s birth to be imminent, then I would suspect that they would have been a little less open sharing this information with someone who was known for openly killing any potential opposition. Herod had the reputation for killing first and then asking questions later, and as we will uncover in a later prophecy and podcast episode, what begins in this portion of Matthew ends with a miracle tucked within a tragedy.

However, stepping back to the big themes of this prophecy, I cannot escape the truth that God likes to use and draw attention to people, places, ideas, and things that are easily overlooked by others. While the logical location for the Messiah’s birth would be in Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel and Judea, this is not what happened.

The wise men who came looking for Jesus may have suspected that Jesus would be born in Jerusalem, or they may have traveled there simply because they didn’t know exactly where the star they were following would take them. In their minds, I suspect that since the star appeared to be taking them towards Jerusalem, they may have believed that Jerusalem would either be the place they would find the Messiah, or that Jerusalem would be the place where they would learn where they could ultimately find the Messiah.

Everything in Jesus’ birth story shines the light on what otherwise would be normal and insignificant. In our own lives and stories, while God is capable of using us for great things, more often than not, any and every great thing He uses us for will be built on the foundation of the simple, ordinary, not-glamorous habits that simply draw us into connection with Him.

However, just because our lives might not be spectacular, and our spiritual habits may at times won’t feel significant or special, we can trust that God has not forgotten us, and that His timing is best from eternity’s perspective. God loves to shine the spotlight on the ordinary when the ordinary has been laid on a foundation He can use!

As we come to the end of another podcast episode, here are the challenges I will leave you with:

As I always open these challenges by saying, intentionally seek God first in your life and choose to focus on growing closer to Him using the simple, not glamorous habits of prayer, reading your Bible, and listening. While sometimes it may feel as though God’s silence means He is also absent, this could not be further from the truth. God is always with us whether we feel like He is or not, and we open our hearts to His when we open our lives to His Word.

Also, as I regularly challenge you to do, continue to pray and study the Bible for yourself, because God wants a personal relationship with you. For your relationship with God to be personal, don’t let others step into the role of middle-men. Instead, let other people share ideas with you, then bring these ideas to God in prayer and study and allow Him to lead you into His truth.

And as I end every set of challenges by saying in one way or another, never stop short of, back away from, chicken out of, or give up on where God wants to lead you to in your life with Him!

Year of Prophecy – Episode 7: Tucked within an unassuming prophet’s book, we find a prophecy that shines the light on an unassuming place being the birthplace for the Messiah. Discover how God likes to shine the spotlight on the ordinary when the ordinary has been built on the foundation of His purpose and His plan.

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Satisfied as a Single: Matthew 19:1-12

Focus Passage: Matthew 19:1-12 (NCV)

After Jesus said all these things, he left Galilee and went into the area of Judea on the other side of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there.

Some Pharisees came to Jesus and tried to trick him. They asked, “Is it right for a man to divorce his wife for any reason he chooses?”

Jesus answered, “Surely you have read in the Scriptures: When God made the world, ‘he made them male and female.’ And God said, ‘So a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one body.’ So there are not two, but one. God has joined the two together, so no one should separate them.”

The Pharisees asked, “Why then did Moses give a command for a man to divorce his wife by giving her divorce papers?”

Jesus answered, “Moses allowed you to divorce your wives because you refused to accept God’s teaching, but divorce was not allowed in the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman is guilty of adultery. The only reason for a man to divorce his wife is if his wife has sexual relations with another man.”

10 The followers said to him, “If that is the only reason a man can divorce his wife, it is better not to marry.”

11 Jesus answered, “Not everyone can accept this teaching, but God has made some able to accept it. 12 There are different reasons why some men cannot marry. Some men were born without the ability to become fathers. Others were made that way later in life by other people. And some men have given up marriage because of the kingdom of heaven. But the person who can marry should accept this teaching about marriage.”

Read Matthew 19:1-12 in context and/or in other translations on!

Some of Jesus’ teaching is compassionate and uplifting; some of His teaching is challenging; and there are a few places were Jesus’ teaching seem to rub up against culture and our experience in ways that make us uncomfortable.

It is in this last category that our passage in today’s journal entry falls, but while divorce is a real challenge in today’s culture, and it has affected almost every person alive today in one way or another, too often we take Jesus’ words here as a condemnation of those who have been divorced – which actually is taking the verses out of context.

This conversation would not have happened except for one thing that happened: the Pharisees open up the discussion. Verse 3 begins by saying, “Some Pharisees came to Jesus and tried to trick him.

In order to best understand the context of this teaching, we must first understand that Jesus probably would not have brought up the subject had He not been challenged with it. Other people came to Him with the question about the idea, so Jesus will answer with God’s ideal scenario. Verse 4 points to the original plan at creation, verse 5 recalls God’s words about how marriage would proceed, and verse 6 concludes with the challenge that we should not undo what God has done. This is the ideal scenario. We could call it Plan A.

But then, thinking they have Jesus firmly in the trap, the Pharisees respond with their follow-up question in verse 7: “Why then did Moses give a command for a man to divorce his wife by giving her divorce papers?”

The Pharisees have successfully contrasted Jesus’ teaching with Moses’ teaching, but instead of placing Moses’ revelation as being the one closest to God, Jesus draws out the contrast between God’s ideal and Moses’ exception. The original question in verse 3 included the phrase “for any reason he chooses”, and this is more what Jesus pushes back on.

Jesus gives one acceptable reason, but if we look closer at His one valid reason, we see something interesting. Verse 9, the one that makes people feel uncomfortable, says basically that adultery will be present at the end of a marriage. Either it will cause the marriage to end, or the marriage ending will result in it.

Jesus’ statement on divorce is not a condemnation; it is a challenging truth. Jesus says it to push His audience towards the conclusion He wants them to reach. Verse 10 shares this conclusion, “If that is the only reason a man can divorce his wife, it is better not to marry.”

Jesus wants His audience to be more intentional about following God’s ideal. Jesus follows up in verse 11 and 12 by saying it is perfectly okay for someone to choose to remain single. Reaching the place where a single person is okay with not marrying is the first step to becoming ready for marriage.

My own life experience has taught me that sometimes it is better to reach the place where I am satisfied being single before God will bring that special someone into my life. (Incidentally, this is exactly what happened to me in 2007 right before meeting Suzie, my wife-to-be.)

This thought was inspired by studying the Walking With Jesus “Reflective Bible Study” package. To discover insights like this in your own study time, click here and give Reflective Bible Study a try today!

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Missing Out on Blessings: Luke 19:1-10

Focus Passage: Luke 19:1-10 (NCV)

 1 Jesus was going through the city of Jericho. 2 A man was there named Zacchaeus, who was a very important tax collector, and he was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but he was not able because he was too short to see above the crowd. 4 He ran ahead to a place where Jesus would come, and he climbed a sycamore tree so he could see him. 5 When Jesus came to that place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down! I must stay at your house today.”

 6 Zacchaeus came down quickly and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to complain, “Jesus is staying with a sinner!”

 8 But Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “I will give half of my possessions to the poor. And if I have cheated anyone, I will pay back four times more.”

 9 Jesus said to him, “Salvation has come to this house today, because this man also belongs to the family of Abraham. 10 The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them.”

Read Luke 19:1-10 in context and/or in other translations on!

Part way through Jesus’ ministry, He passes through the city of Jericho and invites Himself to the home of one of the most disliked people in the entire city. When I read about what happened when Jesus met Zacchaeus, I wonder who was the most surprised in this entire event.

  • Is Zacchaeus the most surprised because Jesus spotted Him in the tree and invited Himself over?

  • Is the crowd the most surprised that Zacchaeus accepted Jesus’ invitation to Himself?

  • Is the crowd the most surprised that Jesus would associate with someone as hated and distrusted as Zacchaeus?

Luke’s gospel summarizes both the crowd’s and Zacchaeus’ responses by saying: “Zacchaeus came down quickly and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to complain, ‘Jesus is staying with a sinner!’” (v. 6-7)

While Zacchaeus was grateful for the opportunity to meet Jesus even better, the crowd gets caught up over a situation they simply feel is not right. In the minds of those in the crowd, someone (Jesus) they knew was sent from God should only associate with people who clearly are associated with God. When Jesus chose to associate with someone they believed had no care for religious or spiritual matters, it breaks their stereotype and their view of Jesus.

However, in this event, while the crowd was complaining over who Jesus chose to stay with, Zacchaeus was getting ready to have a heart transformation. The crowd could not see this, but Jesus did. The crowd blinded themselves by believing Jesus would only associate with Godly people. The crowd missed out on what may have been the most high-profile life transformation of Jesus’ ministry.

Everyone in that region knew who Zacchaeus was, and it would not be a surprise in my mind if the news about Jesus’ time with Zacchaeus and the life-change that happened spread like wildfire throughout the entire city and surrounding area.

Reading about the crowd challenges me to ask the question: Am I missing out on something God is doing because it happens to be in a place I don’t think it should be and/or because it doesn’t fit into the mold of what I think it should look like? Am I more like the skeptical crowd when I hear about something God has done, or am I open to being transformed through what I see God doing in the world around me?

This thought was inspired by studying the Walking With Jesus “Reflective Bible Study” package. To discover insights like this in your own study time, click here and give Reflective Bible Study a try today!

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