Year in John – Finale: Part 1

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It seems like such a long time since we began our year focusing in on John’s gospel, but we have now come to our special, two-part finale. As we take some time here at the end of the year to look back at what we’ve learned from this gospel, let me first wish all of you a Merry Christmas. While John’s gospel doesn’t focus on Jesus’ birth story like Matthew or Luke do, John’s gospel gives us a unique and powerful look into just how significant Jesus is. Because Jesus came, we all have the choice whether we accept His invitation and whether we accept His life and death to cover our sins.

We discovered a lot as we focused in on John’s gospel, and without any further delay, let’s begin diving into some of our biggest and best insights during the first half of our year focusing in on John’s gospel.

Let’s begin by looking at our insights in Episode 1. Episode 1 focused on the opening verses in John’s gospel and how Jesus existed before the world began. As we looked closely at this episode, we learned that Jesus willfully created the reason He would face the cross. John tells us that God’s glory is full of kindness and truth. God’s glory does not judge, put down, or condemn others. God’s glory shines the light of kindness and truth. We all have sinned and fallen short of God’s ideal. The sooner we realize that we are not any better than anyone else, the sooner Jesus can transform our lives with His glory, kindness, and truth!

Moving forward to episode 3, which focused in on Jesus’ first followers, we discover that Jesus’ early followers didn’t try to impress their friends with what Jesus had done, they simply invited them to come and see Jesus for themselves. When we share Jesus with others, the focus is not on us and the conversation isn’t about us. Instead, we focus on Jesus. We share what Jesus has done for us, we invite others to come and see, and when the focus stays on Jesus, God moves in amazing ways.

In the very next episode, number 4, which focused in on Jesus turning the water into wine, we learned that this miracle only happened because the servants had enough faith to obey Jesus’ ridiculous sounding request to serve the host water. The servants’ faith in Jesus, not knowing who Jesus even was, opened the door for this miracle!

This episode also reminded us that often times we don’t see God working in our hearts or our lives, but other people do. Other people are likely to see a greater change in our lives when we come to God or begin moving towards Him than we do. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection solved the sin problem. Jesus supplied His life in exchange for ours. It is now up to us to accept Jesus’ gift and His invitation to substitute His life for ours.

Jumping ahead to episode 6, which focused in on Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, we discovered that those who have not been born spiritually are unable to see the Kingdom of God.

Also, while it isn’t pleasant to think about, we also are reminded that God’s judgment is reserved for those who do not believe in God’s one and only Son, Jesus. The way people reject Jesus is by preferring darkness and evil actions over coming into the light and letting Jesus wash away their sins. Jesus did not come into the world to fulfill the role of judge. Instead, Jesus came to this world to fulfill the role of God’s light, and Jesus’ presence separates those who want to seek God, His light, and His forgiveness, from those who reject God, prefer their sinful lives, and willingly choose to refuse the light God offers.

Whether we face judgment is 100% up to us. While it is unpopular in the world today, choosing Jesus in this life gives us a free pass to avoid the judgment when the world ends, and choosing Jesus in this life is done by leaving our sin-filled past in the past, and actively growing towards Jesus each and every day!

The very next episode, number 7, continued this thought when our passage focused on what John the Baptist preached about Jesus. In this episode, we learned that if we say we believe Jesus, but we are apathetic towards Him, we will forfeit our salvation. Obeying Jesus does not give us eternal life, because when we obey Jesus, the focus can easily turn off of Jesus and onto how well we are obeying Him. Our salvation is not based on anything we can do or have done. We are only saved because of what Jesus accomplished for us.

John the Baptist understood this amazing truth before Jesus had fully stepped into the public spotlight, and his declaration about Jesus, regardless of how popular or unpopular it is, formed the foundation for Jesus’ ministry, Jesus’ life, and Jesus’ death on behalf of you and me!

Moving forward a few episodes to episode 10, which focused on Jesus healing the man by the pool of Bethesda, we discovered the powerful truth that when God is our last hope, it is easy to look to Him. However, when God is not our first hope, we might not experience many miracles in our lives. When this man by this pool gave up hope in reaching the pool, which is something the other people present may not have been ready to do, he was ready to experience the healing Jesus offered him. When we give up hope in the things of this world and focus our faith on Jesus and what He accomplished for us, we are ready to receive miracles in our lives as well!

While we discovered lots of good insights in the next several episodes, what usually happens is that we must jump forward because I don’t want this episode to be too long. Because of this, let’s jumping forward all the way to episode 17, where we focused in on the first portion of Jesus teaching in the temple during a festival part way through His ministry. In this episode, we learned that if we choose to do what God wants, we will know whether Jesus’ teaching is from God or not. If we choose to ignore or reject doing what God wants, we will ultimately discount Jesus, His teaching, and everything about Him. According to Jesus, believing in Him is the clearest way to discover whether His teaching is from God or not. In other words, Jesus invites us to try life His way and when we accept Jesus’ challenge, we will discover personally whether Jesus’ way is best and whether Jesus really was who He claimed to be.

Moving forward to episode 20, our passage focused on a challenge the religious leaders bring Jesus about only being one witness. In this episode, Jesus emphasizes that without faith in Him, specifically faith in Jesus, everyone present, and we could also say everyone at any point in history, will die in their sins. Only through Jesus is a made way for us to trade our sins away. Jesus offers to take the punishment for our sins and in return, He offers us the life that He deserved – a life that can begin today and extend into eternity.

God loves us so much that Jesus came to take our place. Jesus not only became our Redeemer on the cross, Jesus also happens to be our Judge. This means that Satan’s accusations against us can simply be brushed aside by our Judge when we accept the gift of His sacrifice on our behalf, and let His perfect life cover our sins.

In the next episode, which is number 21, we looked at another challenge the religious leaders bring Jesus and an amazing promise Jesus shared about what we will gain when we believe in Him. In this episode, Jesus promises us that everyone who obeys His Words will never taste death. A truth we reject is one that we don’t apply into our lives, while a truth we believe is one that we will obey. By not obeying Jesus’ truth, we reject Him, and we step off of the path of discipleship. When we reject Jesus’ teachings, we lose out on not just discovering God’s truth and the freedom that comes with it, but we also lose out on the promise of never tasting eternal death as well.

To wrap up our first half of this year focusing in on John’s gospel, let’s look at some of our insights from episode 24, which focused on the crowd plainly asking Jesus if He was the Messiah and then wanting to stone Him for His answer. In this episode, which is a great one for us to conclude with, we learned that everything Jesus did was to bring glory to God and to uplift God’s name. Even the crowd acknowledged when they picked up stones to throw at Jesus that it wasn’t for anything He had done, but for one single claim He had made. The simple truth we can remember is that if God the Father did not like the message Jesus was sharing, there would be no way Jesus could have helped people during the time He was teaching, and preaching.

Let’s finish this first part of our year-end finale off with a challenge we learned from this episode: Because Jesus’ word has never failed, we can trust His promises, and even if we are uncertain of some of the more extreme claims Jesus made, we can look to Jesus’ actions as a foundation for our faith in Him.

When we are tempted to doubt, remember that Jesus came to redeem us, and the doubts we are tempted with are really Satan trying to knock us off the path God created for us!

Year in John – Finale: In the first part of our annual two-part finale, discover some of the biggest insights we discovered during the first half of this past year moving through the gospel of John.

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