Praying for Protection: John 17:1-26

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On the night Jesus was betrayed and arrested, while traveling to the Garden with His remaining disciples, John’s gospel records a powerful prayer Jesus shared and it may surprise you to learn exactly what Jesus prayed for in this prayer. While we might wish for Jesus to have changed certain parts of His prayer, I know that because Jesus prayed the way He did gives us answers to how God may be moving in the world today, even if we would rather He move differently.

This powerful prayer comes immediately following Jesus teaching these disciples and promising them that He would send them the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and teach them.

Our passage is found in John’s gospel, chapter 17, and we will read it using the Contemporary English Version of the Bible. Starting in verse 1, John tells us that:

After Jesus had finished speaking to his disciples, he looked up toward heaven and prayed:

Father, the time has come for you to bring glory to your Son, in order that he may bring glory to you. And you gave him power over all people, so that he would give eternal life to everyone you give him. Eternal life is to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent. I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do. Now, Father, give me back the glory that I had with you before the world was created.

You have given me some followers from this world, and I have shown them what you are like. They were yours, but you gave them to me, and they have obeyed you. They know that you gave me everything I have. I told my followers what you told me, and they accepted it. They know that I came from you, and they believe that you are the one who sent me. I am praying for them, but not for those who belong to this world. My followers belong to you, and I am praying for them. 10 All that I have is yours, and all that you have is mine, and they will bring glory to me.

11 Holy Father, I am no longer in the world. I am coming to you, but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me. Then they will be one with each other, just as you and I are one. 12 While I was with them, I kept them safe by the power you have given me. I guarded them, and not one of them was lost, except the one who had to be lost. This happened so that what the Scriptures say would come true.

13 I am on my way to you. But I say these things while I am still in the world, so that my followers will have the same complete joy that I do. 14 I have told them your message. But the people of this world hate them, because they don’t belong to this world, just as I don’t.

15 Father, I don’t ask you to take my followers out of the world, but keep them safe from the evil one. 16 They don’t belong to this world, and neither do I. 17 Your word is the truth. So let this truth make them completely yours. 18 I am sending them into the world, just as you sent me. 19 I have given myself completely for their sake, so that they may belong completely to the truth.

20 I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me. 21 I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me.

22 I have honored my followers in the same way that you honored me, in order that they may be one with each other, just as we are one. 23 I am one with them, and you are one with me, so that they may become completely one. Then this world’s people will know that you sent me. They will know that you love my followers as much as you love me.

24 Father, I want everyone you have given me to be with me, wherever I am. Then they will see the glory that you have given me, because you loved me before the world was created. 25 Good Father, the people of this world don’t know you. But I know you, and my followers know that you sent me. 26 I told them what you are like, and I will tell them even more. Then the love that you have for me will become part of them, and I will be one with them.

In this prayer, which seems to end a little abruptly, we see a powerful theme present that many of us might wish was framed a little differently. At several places within this prayer, Jesus emphasizes His request for God to be with His followers while we are in the world and to keep us safe. In verse 11, Jesus prays, “I am coming to you, but my followers are still in the world. So keep them safe by the power of the name that you have given me.” Verse 15 includes the request, “Father, I don’t ask you to take my followers out of the world, but keep them safe from the evil one.” And verse 18 emphasizes this truth even more when Jesus prays to God about His followers saying: “I am sending them into the world, just as you sent me.

While we might have wished for Jesus to pray that God would rescue all of Jesus’ followers from this world, that was not part of Jesus’ goal. If Jesus had prayed for rescue for His followers, we likely wouldn’t be here today believing in Jesus. Instead, we have people who believe in Jesus over 2,000 years later because Jesus prayed to God to protect His followers while He sent them into the world.

Also, just in case we might have doubts about who Jesus was focusing His prayer on, Jesus quantifies that this prayer is bigger than just these eleven remaining disciples. In verse 20, Jesus emphasizes this point saying: “I am not praying just for these followers. I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith because of what my followers will say about me.

Jesus’ clear message in this verse is that we are included in His prayer just like His first disciples when we have faith in Him because of what His followers share. We are also able to spread Jesus’ prayer even further by inviting others to believe in Jesus so they can also experience God’s blessings and His promise.

However, near the beginning of this prayer is a powerful truth that is often overlooked or simply missed. In verse 3, Jesus tells us clearly: “Eternal life is to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, the one you sent.

Eternal life is only found in knowing God, which can only be done through knowing Jesus Christ, the One God sent. Jesus came to show us God, and He died so that we can have the opportunity of redemption. Jesus Christ brings eternal life, and eternal life is only found when we know God the Father through what Jesus Christ accomplished for each of us!

Knowing in this context is more than simply being aware that God loves us, that Jesus died for us, and that belief in Jesus brings salvation. Knowing in this context means letting the truth about God and about what Jesus has done for us transform our lives! We accept God’s gift through Jesus when we let the Holy Spirit Jesus promised transform our lives with the truth of God’s love!

As we come to the end of another podcast episode, here are the challenges I will leave you with:

As I always challenge you to do, continue to seek God first in your life and choose to accept the truth of God’s love into your heart and let the Holy Spirit transform your life. Choose to accept the mission God has given all of His followers to go into the world and trust that He will protect our lives. Even if our lives on this earth are given up in service to God, our lives are never lost when we have our faith, hope, trust, and belief in Jesus. When we believe in Jesus, God promises to protect us through the evils of sin and bring us into His recreated New Heaven and New Earth that will exist forever without sin.

Also, continue to pray and study the Bible for yourself to grow your personal relationship with God. God wants a personal relationship with you, and a personal relationship with God is best formed and strengthened through regularly praying and studying His Word – the Bible.

And as I end every set of challenges by saying in one way or another, never stop short of, back away from, chicken out of, or walk away from where God wants to lead you to in your life with Him!

Year in John – Episode 37: After teaching the disciples and promising them the Holy Spirit, Jesus shares a prayer that you may be surprised by, and He shares a promise that ever believer in all points of history can depend on while we press forward with God towards eternity and the end of sin.

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