Flashback Episode — Obedience and Respect: Matthew 21:28-32

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During the time Jesus walked on the earth, every time He shared a parable or illustration, it was to teach those present a spiritual truth that they might not have already known. Sometimes those present were the crowds of people, while other times, those present were the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders who felt challenged by Jesus’ ministry.

During one of these latter times, where Jesus is teaching while some priests and leaders are present, we find a fascinating illustration about what God thinks about our words compared with our actions. In this illustration, we find the answer to whether our words are more important or whether our actions are.

While we could easily say that both are important, and ideally one should align both their words and actions with God and His plan, what happens when only one of these things is present. It is this scenario that Jesus draws our attention to in this parable.

For our episode today, we’ll be reading from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 21, using the New Century Version. Starting in verse 28, Jesus turns to the priests and leaders present and asks them:

28 “Tell me what you think about this: A man had two sons. He went to the first son and said, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.’ 29 The son answered, ‘I will not go.’ But later the son changed his mind and went. 30 Then the father went to the other son and said, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.’ The son answered, ‘Yes, sir, I will go and work,’ but he did not go. 31 Which of the two sons obeyed his father?”

The priests and leaders answered, “The first son.”

Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes will enter the kingdom of God before you do. 32 John came to show you the right way to live. You did not believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes believed him. Even after seeing this, you still refused to change your ways and believe him.

Of all the illustrations Jesus gave, this one likely hit the priests and leaders the hardest. After the priests and leaders give their answer, Jesus shifts the focus back onto reality and onto how they responded to John the Baptist when compared with how the most sinful sinners responded. The priests and leaders listened to John the Baptist’s message, but they didn’t change their ways, while on the opposite end of the spectrum, tax collectors and prostitutes were challenged by John’s message and they did change their ways.

Perhaps each group’s response was because each group had a different frame of mind about their starting point. Those in the sinner group knew they were not living rightly, so they chose to change, while those in the religious group believed they were already walking along the path God wanted them on, so they didn’t.

What I find fascinating about this illustration is that the priests implicate themselves. They identify the son who acted according to his father’s will as the one who obeyed. The refusal on the front end means nothing in comparison to the action that followed. The other son, who verbally said he would help but didn’t cannot be said to have obeyed because his actions didn’t match his words.

However, if we look at this story, and simply change one word, we see another fascinating idea. Instead of asking “which son ‘obeyed’ his father?”, let’s ask “which son gave respect to his father?”

On the surface, the answer to this second question sounds like the second son. After all, the second son tells his father that he would help, which is a lot nicer than the first son who said no.

But is respect best shown through words or through actions? If we say we respect God, is that best displayed by what we say or by what we do?

Jesus’ illustration in our passage gives us the very strong impression that to God, actions speak significantly louder than words. While both our actions and words will ultimately line up when given enough time, while they are not in alignment, our actions are a better representation of who we are and of our character.

But we don’t have to focus on Jesus to learn this truth. All we simply need to do is ask ourselves the question that Jesus asked these leaders. We can ask ourselves whether we value someone’s words or someone’s actions more. Would we rather have a friend who simply says they’re our friend while no one else is around or one who acts like our friend while others are present?

Obviously, someone who says they are your friend and acts like it is the best case, but if you could only have someone’s words or someone’s actions, which would you prefer?

This is Jesus’ point in this illustration. For God, our actions are more important than our words. For God, obedience and respect means living a life that is within His will, and not simply putting on a front when other spiritual people are present. God can use us in a bigger way when our actions are within His will than when only our words are.

God cares about our holistic selves, and this includes both our words and actions, but if He has to choose, He would rather our actions and our obedience.

With this said, as we come to the end of another podcast episode, here are the challenges I will leave you with:

As always, choose to intentionally place God first in your life – and do it in a way where your respect and obedience are shown through your actions. While other people simple talk a good talk while not actually following through with actions, resolve to be someone that follows God through your actions first, and if possible, also match up your words to your actions. In other words, resolve to both say you will follow God while also actually following Him, but if you must choose, follow Him with your actions over your words.

Also, continue to pray and study the Bible for yourself and learn what God is like through how Jesus lived and taught while here on earth. Through what we read in the gospels, discover what Jesus was like and how His life challenges us to live for God.

And as I end every set of challenges by saying in one way or another, never stop short of, back away from, chicken out of, or give up on where God wants to lead you to in your life with Him!

Flashback Episode: Year 2 – Episode 38: When Jesus decides to challenge some religious leaders with a short illustration about two sons, discover how our actions are more important to God than our words, and why this matters more than you might initially think.

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