Flashback Episode — A Great Reminder: Mark 3:7-12

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Earlier during this year of podcasting through Jesus’ miracles in the gospels, we focused in on a passage where demons came out screaming that Jesus was God’s Son. While it seems like this may have been an isolated incident, it is possible that this detail was more frequent during Jesus’ ministry, and that the gospel writers simply stopped recording the detail because of how common it was. We can see this hinted in a rather generic passage of healings that Mark’s gospel includes.

Our passage for this episode comes from Mark’s gospel, chapter 3, and we will be reading it from the Good News Translation of the Bible. Starting in verse 7, Mark tells us that:

Jesus and his disciples went away to Lake Galilee, and a large crowd followed him. They had come from Galilee, from Judea, from Jerusalem, from the territory of Idumea, from the territory on the east side of the Jordan, and from the region around the cities of Tyre and Sidon. All these people came to Jesus because they had heard of the things he was doing. The crowd was so large that Jesus told his disciples to get a boat ready for him, so that the people would not crush him. 10 He had healed many people, and all the sick kept pushing their way to him in order to touch him. 11 And whenever the people who had evil spirits in them saw him, they would fall down before him and scream, “You are the Son of God!”

12 Jesus sternly ordered the evil spirits not to tell anyone who he was.

In Mark’s passage, we don’t really learn much that could be called new based on other passages we have looked at so far this year. Previously we have seen Jesus cast evil spirits out, heal people, we have seen evil spirits declaring Jesus to be God’s Son, and we’ve seen Jesus silence these evil spirits. Jesus has also been so crowded in with people listening to Him preach that He has preached from a boat.

There isn’t much new that we can learn from this passage, but while this is the case, there are two things that are worth us focusing in on.

The first thing we’ll focus in on is that when we are living within God’s plan for our lives, God will bring people into our lives that He wants us to reach out to, people that He wants us to touch with His love, and people who will challenge us to grow. When we are living within God’s plan for our lives, don’t be surprised when word gets around about what God is doing through us.

In Jesus’ life and ministry, we see this displayed clearly and visibly in this passage from Mark’s gospel. Mark describes in verses 7 and 8 how this crowd of people “had come from Galilee, from Judea, from Jerusalem, from the territory of Idumea, from the territory on the east side of the Jordan, and from the region around the cities of Tyre and Sidon.

While this list of places doesn’t mean much to us living on the other side of the world over 2,000 years later, what we can see present here is that within a very short period of time, word spread about Jesus to a very wide region. The word that was spreading related to Jesus’ miraculous healing ability and His counter-cultural message. People spent days traveling to hear Jesus and to get help for a loved one or themselves, and when these people who needed help arrived, Jesus was willing to give them a few moments of God’s time, and touch their lives with God’s love.

The second thing we are reminded of in this passage is that unless Satan disliked having his evil spirits possessing people, the simple fact that a person possessed by an evil spirit being caught near Jesus gives evidence for God being stronger than Satan. Every time Jesus encounters an evil spirit, the evil spirit loses. The only option an evil spirit has when faced with Jesus is try to do something to discredit Jesus’ authority – and in this passage, as with ones before, the option is to declare the truth about Jesus.

If we are primed to distrust Satan, then we immediately distrust anything that comes from his mouth – even if it is the truth. We should distrust Satan, but it is best to simply ignore anything he says because it is guaranteed to be a blend of truth and lies and it will be difficult for us to discern the truth from the lies. In place of ignoring Satan, we should intentionally focus more on studying the Bible, and on discovering what it teaches us about God. When we grow closer to God, we begin to reflect Him in our lives, and we will be better able to see the devil’s tricks.

When we look at this passage and what it reminds us about Jesus, we discover that God is more powerful than Satan; that every time an evil spirit encounters Jesus, Jesus wins; and that God is more than willing to bring people into our lives for His purposes.

God has a big plan in place for history and the end of sin, and when we look at how Jesus lived His life, we discover that God loves each of us, and that Jesus came to redeem us from the sin that has trapped us.

As we come to the end of another podcast episode, here are the challenges I will leave you with:

Always seek God first and let Him lead you through life. Intentionally grow closer to Him in order to see the traps and the lies Satan is spreading through the world. Remember that Jesus is infinitely stronger than Satan is and that Jesus invites us to be on His winning side.

Also, continue to pray and study the Bible for yourself, to learn and grow each day in your faith and knowledge of God. Choose to filter everything culture wants to convince you of through the pages of the Bible to discern its true value.

And as I end every set of challenges by saying in one way or another, never stop short of, back away from, chicken out of, or deviate away from where God wants to lead you to in your life with Him!

Flashback Episode: Year of Miracles – Episode 15: In a somewhat generic passage included in the gospel of Mark, we are reminded of some amazing truths about Jesus that are often overlooked or forgotten.