When I read about Jesus’ birth from the gospels, I am continually amazed at those who were chosen to be included. Not only were Mary and Joseph unknown at the time, but pretty much everyone outside of some key rulers and dignitaries are completely unknown to us today. If it had not been for this extraordinary birth, this young couple would have been unknown as well.
But there is another group of otherwise unknown people that our passage focuses in on: “In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.” (v. 8)
Mary and Joseph were handpicked by God to be humanity’s parents for Jesus, and it would seem that these shepherds were also picked by God for a reason. It seems completely backward to us, but sometimes God reveals His plans from the bottom up.
The role of a shepherd was one of the lowest status roles – and the night time shepherd was the lowest status of the shepherds. But it was to these shepherds that God sent an angel choir to. They were the ones God picked to welcome Jesus into the world. While the wise men would also arrive eventually, their trip was mainly because they saw the star and paid enough attention to check it out. The wise men acted on their suspicion that God was up to something – and they were right – but the shepherds were minding their own business and received a special visit from God’s messengers letting them know what was happening in the town nearby.
This leads me to understand that God sometimes reveals His plans from the bottom up. In our world, we typically think of a top-down leadership communication chain, where the big plans and important pieces of information travel from the management team or board members down through the company. But God acts differently. God started at the bottom, and He created a movement by inviting the most socially outcast people to be among the first to know.
Never think your position will invalidate God choosing you to share a message.
This thought was inspired by studying the Walking With Jesus “Reflective Bible Study” package. To discover insights like this in your own study time, click here and give Reflective Bible Study a try today!
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