Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a brief list of some of the most common questions we are asked. Click on a question to reveal its answer, and if we missed your question, then send it to us via the contact form in the last section.

Does Reflective Bible Study Really Work?

Probably the best way to answer this question is to look at the numbers. So far, our amazing group of studiers have saved a total of 8,691 insights to-date.

That number represents a lot of people who now have stronger relationships with God!

Is Reflective Bible Study right for me?

Reflective Bible Study is perfect for people who are serious about growing their relationship with God! This could include new believers and/or people who have grown up in the church but who have drifted away.

Reflective Bible Study is also great for pastors or other church leaders who must regularly prepare messages to speak each week. The RBS framework is perfect for helping speakers discover new insights that can be turned into fresh, relevant messages week after week!

What does Cam/Reflective Bible Study believe?

Reflective Bible Study follows these five beliefs:

  1. God’s greatest desire is for you to see a clear picture of His character. When you see Him clearly, you will find His love irresistible.

  2. The Bible (scripture) is a road map for life. The Bible is God’s voice in written form, personally speaking His love to you.

  3. Jesus Christ is the One constant in an ever-changing universe. Jesus is our Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and Friend while being God’s Son and God Himself.

  4. God’s vision for you is to live the best life possible, both now and throughout eternity! God loves you, and wants to give you the highest quality of life imaginable.

  5. In God’s presence is a place you can feel accepted, loved, and challenged to be better. God loves you, and wants to spend time with you personally, one-on-one, as two close friends.

What study packages are currently available?

Here's a quick list of all the study packages that we have released:

Walk-Through Study Packages

The Bible studies in this category cover all the events that happen during a span of time. These are great studies if you want to know all that the Bible says during a certain time period.

Walking With Jesus

Walk chronologically through the life of the greatest Man who ever lived and walked on our world! Learn about His life from eyewitness accounts that were written within the lifetime of people who had met Jesus.

Character Study Packages

The Bible studies in this category cover the events that happen within a specific Bible character’s life and any time they are mentioned by name in other parts of the Bible. These are great studies if you want to know all that the Bible says about a specific Bible character.

The Amos Study

From farmer to prophet, Amos’ call from God took him out of his comfort zone. Living in a time when idolatry, immorality, and corruption had infected the land, God called Amos to warn the northern kingdom of Israel that He was about to let them be captured by the Assyrians.

In this character study, read through the book of Amos, and all the other places Amos is mentioned in the Bible.

The Daniel Study

While Daniel began his story as a captive who is exiled to Babylon, his devotion to God quickly thrusts him in the spotlight and into becoming one of the most significant Old Testament prophets.

In this character study, we first read through the book of Daniel, and then conclude by looking at all the other places where he is mentioned in the Old and New Testaments.

The Elijah Study

Sent by God to the people of Israel to denounce the worship of Baal and those who supported it, Elijah became one of the greatest prophets in that time period. Elijah also holds the honor of being one of the few people who were taken to heaven before tasting death.

In this character study, we first look at Elijah’s life and ministry, before focusing in on the rest of the places where he is mentioned in the Bible.

The Esther Study

The story of Esther is not only about the young Jewish girl who would become queen of the Persian Empire, but it is really about how God works behind the scenes to connect seemingly coincidental events into working for His people. When trouble comes at God’s people, He is never surprised and He has been setting a plan in motion “for such a time as this”.

In this character study, we read through the book of Esther and focus in on the events that happen during her rise to the throne, and the reason God placed her in this position of importance.

The Ezra/Nehemiah Study

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah together cover one of the most significant periods in Jewish history: the rebuilding and restoration of Jerusalem following the exile. Both Ezra and Nehemiah play key roles in this time period and their combined leadership helped keep the Jews who returned focused on what matters most -- following God’s will.

In this study, read through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, and learn how God moved in a powerful way during this time period. (This study works great with the Haggai and Zechariah character studies.)

The Habakkuk Study

Very little is known about the prophet Habakkuk. His name means “embrace,” or “ardent embrace.” However, while Habakkuk is not referenced anywhere else in the Old Testament, what we can learn from his interaction with God is powerful.

In this character study, read through the book of Habakkuk and discover more about God’s character through faith’s tough questions.

The Haggai Study

While being one of the shortest books in the Old Testament, Haggai’s teaching is not at all insignificant. In his writing, Haggai calls the Jews to wake up and reprioritize God in their lives in order to receive God’s promised blessing.

In this character study, read through the book of Haggai, and discover how his message helped to wake up a spiritually sleeping nation.

The Hosea Study

God called the prophet Hosea to live an example of His love for His people. This included marrying someone who was unfaithful and who did not stay faithful throughout their marriage and how this symbolizes God’s love and relationship with His people.

But the book of Hosea includes more than a story. This book is a call to return to a loving God who desires the best for His children.

In this character study, read through the book of Hosea, and all the other places he is mentioned in the Bible.

The Job Study

Job’s story is one of following God in the face of personal suffering. Job’s story sheds light on the tough question, "Where is God when people suffer?" Through his life and trials, Job remains faithful to God even though in the moment this decision does not feel pleasant.

In this character study, read through the book of Job to learn about his life and trials, and then finish off by looking at all the other places he is mentioned in the Bible, and the reputation he gained through his loyalty and faith.

The Joel Study

Very little is known about the prophet Joel, and there is no plausible connection between him and the other people who carry the same name. However, while the prophet is not well known, the prophecy is very important.

Through Joel’s writing, we learn that while judgment is coming, restoration comes following repentance. The judgment that is promised he calls “the day of the LORD”.

In this character study, read through the book of Joel, and all the only other place he is mentioned in the Bible.

The Jonah Study

Jonah’s book is different from other prophetic books in the Bible. Instead of focusing in on all the prophecies the author received, Jonah’s story contains one single prophetic mission, and it was a mission that would become symbolic in ways Jonah could not have even imagined. By choosing to run from God’s mission for his life, Jonah opens the door for one of the most amazing stories about how God can turn peoples’ lives around.

In this character study, read through the book of Jonah, and all the other places he is mentioned in the Bible.

The Malachi Study

Malachi could be viewed not only as one of God’s prophets, but as “God’s messenger”. The name Malachi means “My Messenger” and the message Malachi shares with the God’s people living in Jerusalem after is one that challenges them past a surface level of faith into a life-transforming obedience to God’s way of life.

In this character study, read through the book of Malachi and discover how we are all called to live a life beyond surface, shallow religion.

The Micah Study

Not much is known about the prophet Micah except from what is learned from how his book opens. He lived in a small town, most likely in the southern part of Judah, and he lived and prophesied shortly before both Israel and Judah were conquered and send into exile. However, while Micah had a lot of bad news to share, he also shares glimpses of hope for what lay past God’s judgment.

In this character study, read through the book of Micah, and all the other places he is mentioned in the Bible.

The Nahum Study

Like a number of the other prophets during this time period, not much is known about Nahum beyond what is included in his prophetic book. The book carries with it the theme that God is just, slow-to-anger, but there will be a time when He sets things right.

In this character study, read through the book of Nahum, and the one other surprising place his name appears in the Bible.

The Noah Study

As one of the most well known Bible characters, Noah is held up as an example of being faithfully obedient to God, and he lived this way in a time where the world was against him.

In this character study, read through the story of Noah, and all the other places he is mentioned in the Bible -- allowing you to see a clear picture of the reputation he left behind.

The Obadiah Study

Almost nothing is known about the prophet Obadiah outside of his prophetic book, and his book is the shortest book in the Old Testament. For this study, since the name Obadiah was very common in the Old Testament time period, we take a look at a series of six different Obadiahs and focus in on how God can use you in whatever place you happen to be in right now.

In this character study, read through the book of Obadiah, and then conclude by looking at a number of other famous Obadiahs who are mentioned by name in the Bible.

The Rahab Study

When most people think of Rahab, they think of the bold harlot who protected the Israelite spies in Jericho, but while this is the case, there are two other “Rahabs” mentioned in the Bible.

In this character study, learn about all three Rahabs, and what they can teach you living today.

The Ruth Study

The story of Ruth begins with death and struggle, but it ends with a clear picture of God moving when we choose to place Him ahead of our past. While the story bears the name of Ruth, it is also a story that focuses in on God and how He cares for and restores those who are hurting.

In this character study, we read through the book of Ruth and focus on what happens when she returns with Naomi to Israel, and the ultimate outcome of these decisions generations later.

The Zechariah Study

Similar to some other well known prophets, the prophet Zechariah was a priest. He was born outside of Israel, possibly during the later stages of the exile, and was one of those who returned to live in Judah. While the prophet Zechariah began ministering alongside Haggai, his ministry continued much longer, and the book the bears his name concludes with some powerful prophecies about the coming Messiah.

However, there are two other famous Zechariahs in the Bible, and in this character study, after we read through the book by the prophet Zechariah, we turn our attention to these other two famous Biblical characters.

The Zephaniah Study

As the book of Zephaniah opens, we learn that he is the fourth-generation descendant of Hezekiah, one of the more notable kings in Judah’s history. This means that this prophet had royal background and was likely more aware of courtroom details. He is also likely very familiar with many of the other prominent Old Testament prophets and writers, which all combine to make his short prophetic book extra significant.

In this character study, read through the book of Zephaniah, and discover what he has to say about God’s judgment and His promised restoration.

Word/Topic Study Packages

The Bible studies in this category cover all the times a specific word or phrase has been used in the Bible. These studies are great for those who want to know all that the Bible says about a specific topic.

Discovering God’s Kingdom

Have you ever wondered what Jesus had to say about His Father’s Kingdom? In this adventure package, we look at ALL the passages and parables where Jesus (and His disciples) discuss the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, and God’s Kingdom!

Seeing God’s Vision

You may have heard the verse “Where there is no vision, the people perish”, but the Bible has a lot more to say about “vision” than we might think! In this study package, we look at ALL the passages that include the word “vision” ranging from teaching, to prophetic visions, and even false visions.

Day of Rest

One of the biggest themes of the Bible revolves around rest. In many cases it centers on the word and idea of “Sabbath”. In this package, we turn our focus onto the Sabbath and discover both what it meant for those in Bible times and what it means for us today.

When God Scatters

When God scatters a group of people in the Bible, do you initially think this is to punish them? If so, in many cases you are correct, but what if there was another reason God scatters.

In this word study, uncover all the places where the word “scatter” is used and see for yourself what it means when God scatters.

Can you develop a Bible study on _________?

Our studiers are some of the best people on the planet. As a member of, we are happy to develop study packages based around certain characters, time periods, and/or topics.

There are plenty of study packages currently being planned, and if you have an idea for a study package and are a member, definitely send me your idea. I'd love to make a study package around it because it helps our whole study community!

Will Reflective Bible Study work for small groups?

Yes and no.

Reflective Bible Study has been designed to help individuals grow a personal relationship with God, but there is nothing stopping a group of individuals from getting together and talking about the insights they learned from their personal study.

Note: At this moment, no "group" specific studies are being developed, but if we get enough requests for something small-group focused, something may develop.

How come some questions are repeated from lesson to lesson?

Finding a balance between custom questions for each lesson/passage vs. having identical "generic" questions that are attached to each lesson is very subjective.

On one hand, as developers of this study, we have insights that we want to help you discover too, which could lean us into more customized questions focused on that goal -- but at the same time, this is not our study time, it is yours. There are already lots of studies that are aimed at helping you understand the author's viewpoint.

On the other hand, a set of universal, generic questions that are applied to every lesson could eventually become dull or boring to some people. In my own study with Reflective Bible Study, some of my most thought provoking insights have come from "dull" but challenging questions, but this might not be the case for you.

So for the studies found on this site, we have chosen to mix some customized-to-the-passage questions with some of my favorite "generic" questions to help you have the best possible study experience -- one where you meet God and hear His message for your life, without us as developers getting in the way.

Is there a money-back guarantee?


If for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with your membership purchase, we have a 60-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. To request a refund, simply contact us, and let us know and we’ll begin the refund process.

Also, you can start 100% for free today, with no credit card or payment required! Your membership will give you the first 10 lessons of your chosen package. After 10 lessons, we're sure you'll know whether Reflective Bible Study is the right fit for you.

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Send us a message via our contact form and we'll be happy to answer it for you!

Also, if you have about an hour and haven't watched the webcast yet, some of your questions may be answered as I share my story and what I've learned over the past decade relating to Bible study.

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